This utility lets you create one or more folders in the selected folder. You can create multi-level folders or even to specify variables.

This utility is displayed only if you select a folder.

Click over the right side button to insert the supported variables with the help of the variables window.

Multi-level folders

You can include the backslash character ("\") or the slash character ("/") to create multi-level folders. 

For example, if you specify "subfolder1\subfolder2\subfolder3", then a new folder will be created named "subfolder1", into this folder a new folder will be created named "subfolder2" and into this folder a new folder will be created named "subfolder3". So the resulting folder structure will be the following:

     |- subfolder2
             |- subfolder3


The available variables to insert in the folder name are the following:

Current Time


Local time. Example: 14.05


Indicator AM/PM


Hour (12-hour format)


Hour (24-hour format)






Time Zone (short)


Time Zone (long)

Current Date


Local Date Format. Example: 08-10-2011


Long Date Format. Example: Saturday, October 8 2011


Day of Month in Decimal (01-31)


Month in Decimal (01-12)


Short Month Name (Jan, Feb, ...)


Long Month Name (January, February, ...)


Year without Century (00-99)


Year with Century


Short Week of Day (Mon, Tue, ...)


Long Week of Day (Monday, Tuesday, ...)


Day of Week in Decimal (0-6, 0=Sunday)


Week of Year in Decimal (00-53)


Day of Year in Decimal (001-366)

Other variables


Computer name


User name who logged in


Folder name of the parent folder


A sequence is added starting in 1


Random string. The first parameter specifies the length of the string. The remaining parameters specify the ranges of characters. For example, with %RND(4,0-9,A-Z)%, the random string will be 4 characters of length and will contain both numbers and upper case letters.

Create multiple folders

If you check the "Create multiple folders" option then you can create more than 1 folder in the selected folder. Type the number of folders in the text box on right side to this option.

If you specify the %SEQ% variable, then this variable will be replaced by a sequence number starting in 1, but if this variable is not present, then the suffix " (N)" will be added to each new folder. 


  • the folder string is "folder_%SEQ%" and the number of folders text box is 3, then 3 folders will be created with the following names: "folder_1", "folder_2", "folder_3".
  • the folder string is "my folder" and the number of folders text box is 2, then 2 folders will be created with the following names: "my folder (1)", "my folder (2)"